Hi all,
Let me start by telling you a true story.
Some time in May, a Greek lady from Brooklyn found a stray pregnant cat in her garden. Not being able to watch the poor animal alone and hungry, she invited it in and took care of her. On June 1, that cat gave birth to 5 little kittens in the Greek lady's lap. Having her own family to raise, she cannot take care of 6 cats but decides to find them a home once they are older.
Meanwhile, Rudi (that's me) goes to work in July and upon arriving in the office, he finds out that his colleague found a little kitten on her front porch. The poor thing is barely 10 days old and its mother rejected it as it has an infection on its eye and on the lungs. A kitten this young needs to be fed every 4 hours, so my colleague could not leave it alone at home. She is named it Fernanda and we all got to feed, hold and love it. My colleague went on holidays and left Fernanda with a caretaker. The lung infection was cured but the eye infection still caused some concern. In the meantime, Rudi received an email that a Greek lady in Brooklyn was giving her kittens away. Having held and fed a kitten, a desire to have one of my own started coming up. And since yesterday I adopted a male cat which I named Yaki.
Sadly, today we received a message that Fernanda had passed away. Although her infections were nearly gone, the poor animal had no immunity.
To be continued...
Summer is in New York...humid, thunderstorms and temperatures around 28 degrees.
Nothing special ahead of me in August. September will be marked with Gene's visit and then Joke with whom I am going to Jamaica...woohoo!
All the best,
such a cute cat... We had a cat until March last year, sadly enough he left us after 13 years due to illness...
I am sure you will enjoy it. They are great to have around.
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