Taking the long way

I have been back in Belgium now for almost three months.
After three weeks I paid a visit to my employer to see what was in store for me. A proposal was made which I could not refuse, namely a 3-year contract to work in our New York Office. Belgium does not want me and I don’t want her anymore either. I did what I had to do here and extended my stay for far too long. This week I finally signed my contract confirming my departure for the United States of America in August. This date can still change (unfortunately) as my work permit is far from ready plus I have no place yet. Now I am drifting in a kind of temporary zone. I cannot prepare much material things because no dates are confirmed, but mentally I am ready. Once my permit is issued, I can fly to New York to look for an apartment, fly back to Belgium, pack up my stuff, ship it overseas and move into my new permanent place for the coming years.
I started working again on June 1 and so far everything has been going well. Keeping firmly in mind what I have been through, I do my job in a efficient way without allowing anyone nor myself to put too much pressure on me. I have been screwed enough during my career and when I look at my salary, I still am. But something I realized during the last year, is that we live to live, not to work or to worry about materialistic things.
A lot of friends, colleagues, relatives tell me that I don’t stand still, I am always on the move, never staying for a long time in a certain place. Well, let me sing to the following to you all:
My friends from Belgium
Are dating their long-time friends
Moving into houses in the same ZIP codes
Where their parents live
But I, I could never follow
No I, I could never follow
I hit the airway in a big plane with stars on the ceiling
Lived like a gypsy
Six strong hands on my memories
I've been a long time gone now
Maybe someday, someday I'm gonna settle down
But I've always found my way somehow
By taking the long way
Taking the long way around
I met the queen of whatever
Drank with the Irish and smoked with the Italian
Moved with the Maori’s
Wouldn't kiss all the asses that they told me to
No I, I could never follow
No I, I could never follow
It's been 18 months now
Since the top of the world came crashing down
And I'm getting' it back on the road now
But I'm taking the long way
Taking the long way around
Well, I talked with a stranger and I met myself
I opened my mouth and I heard myself
It can get pretty lonely when you show yourself
Guess I could have made it easier on myself
But I, I could never follow
No I, I could never follow
Well, I never seem to do it like anybody else
Maybe someday, someday I'm gonna settle down
If you ever want to find me I can still be found
Taking the long way
Taking the long way around
It did not write this, but the Dixie Chicks did (a big thanks to my good ex-teacher Rachel Fitzgerald for introducing these talented ladies). I just altered the lyrics a bit to suit my gender and my life. The song, which I will never sing as my voice is not suited to be heard through a microphone, describes my way of living very well.
A few weeks back, my mother asked me to count the number of countries which I have been to. Well, I have set foot in nearly 30 countries. Not I visited the whole country when I was there, but still, it is an impressive figure. My mother asked me if I will ever stop. She knows my financial situation and agrees that I am far from being wealthy. I am not saving money to buy a house or a car, but pill up some cash, look at my list of countries still to visit and am off (if the budget permits it). I honestly don’t know when it will stop, although sometimes I wish I did. I still haven’t found the place for me and probably won’t stop till I do. Live in the present, think about the near future, but don’t worry about the coming years. Anyway, I think I bored you readers enough for this time. I am doing fine and hope you are all doing the same.
Take care now.