one more thing

CD tip - new Coldplay album
If you are looking for a good book to read, try Twilight from Stephenie me.

Hi all,
How are you all?
Well, I hope. Give me some news when you got a chance.
Summer is in town and New York survived its first heat wave of the year. Temperatures neared 40 degrees Celsius for 4 days. Did I suffer from this??
Fortunately not. I was in Argentina for work.
It seems like an eternity since I was in Mexico. Been so busy preparing for Argentina but it was worth it. I left on June 6 and had a small weekend to do some sight-seeing in Buenos Aires. I have to say that I was not that impressed with this city. I could still feel some leftovers of the economic crisis of 2002. Nevertheless, I feel you have to visit Buenos Aires when you are in Argentina. Night life is pretty good.
We conducted a seminar on Monday June 9 and visited 8 clients the next two days. It was great to shake hands with the clients we talk with on a daily basis. I was not alone in Latin America. My charming colleague Stephanie was with me. We took the advantage while being in this country to extend our trip to pay the Iguazu Falls a visit. These waterfalls start in Brazil and end up in Argentina. We were on Brazilian soil for three hours to admire this side of the falls. Pretty awesome.
Pictures can be found on
Back in New York now for the summer. Don't start thinking I have no future travels ahead now, you know me better than that. I never stop as long as my bank account holds up. In 10 days I will be in Vancouver, Canada for a couple of days. I want to see why this city is the third best in the world to live in.
That is it for now.
Hugs to you all and enjoy the summer!!! (Winter for those on the southern hemisphere).